all tasks are doable, just ask!

A Resolution: A firm decision to do or not do something.

What have you been doing since 2020 began? We are way into January. How are your decisions for the future coming along?

My name is Toni and this is my very first blog post. I am in my early forties, a former interior designer and for many years I was a wife and stay at home parent with a burning passion to do something more. I am recently divorced and currently live in Miami Florida with two of my children (the third is in college).

Now that I wrote that down, it really sounds like I am a cliché.

So be it! I am who I am and my life experiences have led me to this point. Like many of you, my story is simple and complicated all at the same time. I finally have launched the business I have been planning in my mind for many years.

Task Happy by Toni has been a long time coming and has already taught me so many lessons. We are an organizational business with a focus on helping you complete tasks in your life, and on your list.

For years, I have controlled my existence with extreme organization. It has truly been my own form of therapy. When my life seemed out of control and in need of direction I turned to organizing. I have a real passion for the instant gratification that comes from a project completed.

My fears of not having any real business experience, not having the time, questioning whether it had already been done and not knowing anything about social media -- paralyzed me and prevented me from channeling my energy and knowledge into something real.

Why does it take us so long to do the things we really want to do? Why do we let fear and the lies we tell ourselves hold us back?

The lies I was telling myself over the years truly prevented me from living my truth.

Truth is where we must begin whether in love, in friendships, in business deals, even in getting ourselves organized.

All things or relationships are inherently based in truth.

Following your intuition and heart is the only way you can be your authentic selves and live your best life.

I have started many things over the years, moving forward and eventually stopping because I questioned myself or often times from the fear of what might happen. What would I do if It worked, if I succeeded? What would I do if I failed? What would others think?

The honest to Gods, truth is no one is stopping you, but you. This is one of the worst pernicious lies we tell ourselves.  Don’t play it conservatively, it’s a losing proposition.

Life is a risk! Follow your heart, do what you desire, trust your instincts.

For me being organized provides a sense of direction and calm in an unbalanced and often crazy world. The best advice I can give for getting yourself organized is that perfection does not exist and looks different for everyone.

Perfection is a sure way to never get anywhere, to remain stuck. Work with what you have, in the environment you are in and where you are.

Whether its organizing your finances, starting a hobby, going back to school, cleaning a closet, cooking etc. You must just jump in and go for it. Get your hands dirty. Don’t believe the lies you tell yourself.

I hope you will join me on my journey of self-discovery and task fulfilling projects. I hope you will share stories of your own, or your completed tasks.

Stay with me, this next decade is going to be the best one yet!

Toni Holtz